
Ethics in Marketing

When it comes to marketing, you’re walking on thin ice if you push the limit on what’s considered ethical and unethical, especially within the aesthetics industry.  Ethical marketing entails making honest claims and satisfying the needs of potential and existing customers. It boosts credibility and trust, develops brand loyalty, increases customer retention, and prompts customers to spread word about the products or services you’re marketing. Unethical marketing, on the other hand, can send wrong signals about your products and services, destroy your brand’s reputation, and possibly lead to legal problems. This explains why you should avoid them like a plague. Many business owners and sales personnel have erroneously engaged in unethical marketing practices just because they never knew what these practices are in the first place. Examples: Making false, exaggerated, or unverified claims - In a desperate bid to compel potential and existing customers to b...

Ethics in Finance: Corporate Earnings Management

Earnings management is the term used to describe the process of manipulating earnings of the firm to meet management’s predetermined target. Earnings management that falls outside the generally accepted accounting choice boundaries is clearly unethical. Some managers use earnings management as a means of deceiving shareholders or other stakeholders of the organization, such as creating the appearance of higher earnings to increase compensation. Intention behind Earnings Management The intent to use earnings management to deceive stakeholders implies that it can be unethical, even if the earnings management remains within the boundaries of GAAP.  Earnings management is unethical when the intention of the managers’ decision concerning accounting treatment or transaction structure is to deceive a stakeholder and the outcome of action has a material effect on the financial statements issued by the organization.  The definition imply that earning...

Employee Discrimination at Workplace

What is Employee Discrimation? Employee discrimination occurs when an employer takes adverse action against an employee or prospective employee because of certain characteristic like:   race, gender,   family or carer’s responsibilities,   sexual orientation ,age, physical or mental disability,   religion or pregnancy and maternity. Adverse action includes, however is not limited to, demoting an employee, altering their position, refusing to employ a candidate, and of course, dismissal.If you treat someone differently because they possess different characteristics to other members of staff you could be acting unlawfully.  Direct and Indirect Discrimation Direct discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favourably than other employees. For example, the employee has the qualifications to do the job but you turn them down because you think they might want to start a family soon. Direct discrimination can also occur when you...